Message from Dean
The Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences is located in the center of Matsue City that has a rich natural environment with lakes, mountains, and the sea nearby. The keywords of our faculty are 「Life science」, 「Agriculture and Forestry」, 「Food」, 「Agricultural Economics and Management」, 「Ecological environment」, 「Utilization of biological resources」, and 「Environmental conservation and management」. We have been conducting research and education with the aim of developing human resources who can play an active role locally and internationally, having acquired a wide range of knowledge related to humans, society, and nature, as well as basic knowledge related to science and agriculture. Currently, our faculty consists of three departments: the Department of Life Sciences, Department of Agriculture and Forest Sciences, and Department of Environmental and Sustainability Sciences, and the attached Education and Research Center for Biological Resources (Forest Science section, Agricultural Science section, Marine Biological Science section). In addition to attending lectures, students learn a wide range of specialized knowledge and skills through laboratory experiments, field training, and group learning. In the first and second year, students can acquire a wide range of knowledge, skills, thinking ability, judgment, and communication by taking basic and liberal arts subjects as well as specialized basic subjects. Students join a laboratory during their third and fourth year to conduct research in the fields of advanced life sciences and biotechnology, research that supports the development of food and agricultural production, and research that contributes to an environmentally conscious society. Students who wish to pursue more advanced research and education can also continue at graduate school. Our faculty members conduct research on animals, plants, and microorganisms, as well as the hydrosphere and geosphere that nurture them. In addition, we aim to create a prosperous society by maximizing methods such as management and economics, mathematics, and computer simulation. Our faculty welcomes everyone who aims to develop the region and the world and build a sustainable society through research and education that benefit from the rich natural environment of Shimane.