
The Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

The Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences established in 1995 was reorganized in 2018 and currently consists of three departments: Life Sciences,Agricultural and Forest Sciences, and Environmental and Sustainability Sciences. On its property this Faculty also has the Education and Research Center for Biological Resources consisting of The Marine Biological Science Section, Agricultural Science Section, and Forest Science Section.

Our Faculty aims: (1) to understand the mechanism of biological and ecological systems, and develop new technologies related to biotechnology and food science, (2) to apply scientific results and technologies in agriculture,forestry and fishery, and (3) to contribute local communities, environmental preservation, reclamation and sustainable production systems.

The undergraduate course offers a systematic program consisting of a variety of lectures, laboratory and field works, and small-group instructions. The lectures cover liberal arts, languages and specialized sciences. Laboratory and field works foster problem-solving skills and increase students’ understanding of the relevant lectures. The small-group classes improve mutual understanding between students and mentors, and facilitate the skill of students’ presentation. Graduates of our faculty find the workplace in private companies or the civil services, or become high school teachers at science or agriculture. Students who would like to improve their skill can continue their research activities at the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology..

International Admission Policy

Our faculty seeks students who are interested in subjects including biology, ecology, environmental science, life science, biotechnology, agriculture, agricultural economics, and agricultural engineering. We are committed to providing high quality and professional education and research opportunities to students with a wide variety of backgrounds. As part of our admission standards, we give weight to students most likely to benefit from our study and research programs. We provide some specific admission criteria for international students in which programs will be conducted in English.


Educational and Research Center for Biological Resources